In the summer of 2021 Bishop Fintan Gavin visited the West Cork area encouraging us to face some new realities and challenges.
He restated his commitment to the formation of “Families of Parishes” in the Diocese or Cork & Ross including a re-configuration of the parishes for mission.
Diocese of Cork & Ross
What is the “Family of Parishes”?
It describes the creation of a bond between a group of parishes in order to sustain their pastoral life. Practically this means parishioners, lay people, clergy and religious communities sharing resources, responsibilities, and ministry, strengthening our unity as one Body of Christ.
Our particular Family of Parishes includes the three Parishes of:

Church of the Assumption

Church of the Immaculate Conception

Church of the Way of the Cross
This includes the 3 churches (locations shown in the interactive map below). Four Priests currently minister to our particular Family of Parishes.
The aim of the Family of Parishes is to share ministry as a team and ensure wherever possible that Masses and other ministries continue to be offered.
The three parishes are colour coded throughout the website as follows:
Colour key for the Family of Parishes
This website includes information about each of the Parishes and Priests as well as publishing News relevant to the Family of Parishes.
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