Our Lady’s Shrine Knock
International Eucharistic & Marian Shrine
Catechism Workshop: Saturday 11th November 2023, 9.15am - 5.30pm.

Workshop schedule:

  1. 30am: Celebration of Holy Mass-Celebrant Bishop Emerite Brendan Kelly in the Apparition Chapel.
  2. 15: Tea/coffee - St. John’s Rest & Care Centre.
  3. 30-10.45: Introduction by Spiritual Director Bishop Emerite Brendan Kelly.

Role of SpiritualDirector/ Facilitator/ Participants.

  1. 15- 12.30pm: Introduction to Catechism Studies.
  2. 30- 1.30pm: Lunch (please bring packed lunch)
  3. 30 – 2.00pm: Catechism studies-Q’s &A’s
  4. 00pm - 2.30pm: Group Work.
  5. 30pm – 3.15 Introduction to Youcat.
  6. 15: Conclusion with Bishop Emerite Brendan Kelly.
  7. 30pm – 3.45pm: Tea/ coffee
  8. 45-4.30 Stations of the Cross & Rosary
  9. 30pm – 5.30pm: Eucharistic Adoration (for those who may wish)
  • Share this information with your contacts and consider inviting some interested members of your parish to travel with you.
  • Please bring a copy of Catechism and Youcat.
  • Donation: A small donation would be graciously appreciated.
  • Please contact: Máirín Ní Shúilleabháin B.A. Div. Coordinator, Adult Studies Catechism of the Catholic Church at

           This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel. Mob 087 795 0325

The Cathechism of the Catholic Church Workshop