News and Announcements from the Family of Parishes
Every Blessing to the Boys and Girls making their Sacriment of Confirmation.
Confirmation Prayer
Lord, You send out Your Spirit to touch the hearts of all people,
so that they may believe in You and in Jesus whom You sent.
Look kindly on all candidates for Confirmation
as they listen to Your voice.
Open their hearts to Your Spirit and bring to fulfillment
the good work that You have begun in them.
As we prepare these children for Confirmation,
make each of us an instrument of Your love.
Teach us to appreciate what is holy in others,
and to be patient with what we do not understand.
Deepen our faith in the Gospel
and help us to pass it on by our example.
We pray that You will continue to guide us and sustain us.
Through Christ our Lord, Amen.
Mass for Temperance Sunday & World Day of Prayer for the Sick will be broadcast this Sunday 11 February 2024 at 11am on RTÉ TV & Radio.
Mater Dei Academy is accepting admissions for September 2024
An independent school providing a Catholic post-primary education for boys and girls in the classical tradition.
Please telephone 021 202 1229 or
visit for more information.
"Totus Tuus pilgrimage to Fatima. 30th August - 6th September, 2024. Flights ex Cork. Cost: €815.
Spiritual director: Fr. Marius O Reilly.
For more information, contact Damien 087-2049048 or Marian Pilgrimages @ 01-8788159"
From Renaissance Florence to Michelangelo’s Rome
With Group Leader Mícheál de Barra and Spiritual Director Fr. John Newman
Highlights of this tour, from 4th-13th September 2024, include visits to Venice, Padua, Ravenna, Bologna, Florence and of course Rome where we will experience a Papal Audience and visit to St. Peter’s Basilica.
Fr. John will celebrate Mass for the group at various venues and shrines along the way.
For further information and Booking Form contact Mícheál at 0868337681 or email
From the Producers of "The Diary of Anne Frank"
From the Producers of The Diary of Anne Frank comes the epic story of the life, of Jesus Christ, from his birth in a lowly stable in Bethlehem, to his ultimate resurrection and his message to Humanity.
Composer Girish Paul's beautiful orchestral score will sweep you
from present day Ireland back two thousand years to witness Jesus's meeting with John the Baptist, his desert battle with Satan, to Jesusalem on Palm Sunday, the Sermon on the Mount and the Lord's Prayer, the Last Supper, his betrayal by Judas, his trial by Pilate and ultimate resurrection.
Performed live in concert by the Composer and his virtual orchestra to dramatic on screen film that features highly talented Irish actors including Liam Howard and Sean Ahern of the Palace Players.
A Five Star Concert of Beautiful Music that will Touch Your Heart
"I wish you every success". Archbishop Dermot Farrell
"The Cardinal assures you of his best wishes". Cardinal Vincent Nichols, UK Elevated by Pope Francis, The Vatican.
Tickets - €25 (includes booking fee) from
See concert footage at:
The annual collection for the Diocesan Sick/Assisted Lourdes Pilgrimage Fund will be taken up at all Masses on 10th/11th February 2024.
The Cork and Ross Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place from Friday 20th September to Wednesday 25th September this year. People are encouraged to join the pilgrimage as helpers, nurses and doctors to assist pilgrims in Lourdes. Further information is available from the Diocesan Website
There has always been great support for the Diocesan Pilgrimage Fund and your support and generosity on the 10th/11th February is very much appreciated.
The Healing Mass will return on the first Saturday of February at 12.15 p.m.
Also, throats will blessed straight after Mass
All welcome.
Feast of the Epiphany
Vigil Mass - Friday 5th January @ 6:30pm
Mass - Saturday 6th January @ 6:30pm
The Office for Mission and Ministry are hosting two Alpha training days for Parishes/Families of Parishes:
- Cork City (Blackrock Parish Centre) on Saturday 27 January 2024
- West Cork (Clonakilty Parish Centre) on Saturday 3 February 2024
Both Training Days begin at 10:00am and finish at 3:30pm. Please contact the Office for Mission and Ministry as soon as possible through the Diocesan website: