News and Announcements from the Family of Parishes
Download the Cork Scripture Group - Autumn Study
Cork Scripture Group would like to invite anyone who is interested in Scripture to join us for the following course.
Cork Scripture Group
Title: “When you pray . . (Matthew 6:5): Exploring Prayer in the Bible.
Presenters: Pauline Byrne, Marian Mortell, Fr John Newman, Phil Mortell
Mondays 25th Sept, 2nd, 9th, 16th Oct from 7.30 – 9.30 p.m. in Scala Centre, Blackrock
Saturday Workshop: Praying the Psalms with facilitator Ciaran O’Callaghan CSsR
Sat 7th Oct from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. in The Sacred Heart Hall, Western Road.
Cost: €50 [for the 4 nights and Saturday workshop]
For those who wish to attend the workshop only, the cost will be €10.
To book a place or find out more please email
A Little Nellie Prayer Group will be held every 2nd Friday of each month, starting this September, Friday the 8th.
Time and Venue: 7.30p.m. at St. Columbas Church in Douglas.
All welcome.
Celebrating 50 years in Ireland
All married couples deserve a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend!
Next Weekend will be held 13-14-15 Oct 2023, in:
The Cork International Hotel.
The car needs a service
The house needs painting
Is it time to place your love relationship at the top of the list?
The Sycamore Series for those aged 18 – 35 is organised by UCC Chaplaincy and Presentation Brothers in collaboration with the Diocese of Cork and Ross.
Have you ever questioned why you are Catholic and wondered why we Catholics believe what we believe? The Sycamore Series is an informal course for those aged 18-35. Join us as we deepen our understanding and knowledge of the Catholic faith. Each session involves a short film and time for discussion, with a meal also included.
Everyone is welcome. Start date Wednesday October 4th 2023, 6pm-8pm at Presentation Brothers Mardyke House, Cork T12 W8RP. The course runs for 10 consecutive weeks. The course is free, but places are limited. Please email
The support of parishes in letting people know was invaluable to the success of this Series last year so your support will be much appreciated again this year.
Welcome to the Ballyphehane, the Lough and the Togher Parish website!
Dear Parishioners,
Welcome to our new Website which details the union of our family of parishes, Ballyphehane, The Lough and Togher. In creating this family we have also created a bond between our three churches in order to sustain their pastoral life.
Practically this means parishioners, lay people, clergy and religious communities sharing resources, responsibilities, and ministry, strengthening our unity as one Body of Christ.
Please email us any suggestions you have as we would be delighted to hear from you.
There are several places on the Family of Parishes website where content from your Parish would be most welcome
Any announcements or newsworthy items relevant to all the parishes would be most welcome in this section. So for example any events in Ballyphehane that are open to all or The Lough has a new musical setting of the Mass. Any photos of people you send will of course need to have addressed the appropriate permissions.
This section of the website is new and the idea is to gradually add stories or a historical fact about any of the three parishes. Try to keep each article short and about one particular topic.
This is a place for videos for meditation, contemplation, prayer, worship and recharging the spirit. Send the link to the video. (e.g. YouTube or Vimeo)
Please check the information for your parish and send any updates or corrections