News and Announcements from the Family of Parishes
Dear Parishioners,
The heart of Christmas is amazing; that the baby born to Mary and Joseph, was God coming to be with all people on earth. The Almighty, the All-Powerful came into our world as a gentle loving new-born baby.
He is with us always, not just this Christmas but the whole year.
He is present with your family. Ponder deeply on this incredible mystery.
My thanks to all of you who have been faithful parishioners, for all you do even through the tough times. Your generosity and support is much appreciated.
My Christmas prayer is to ask God to fill your homes with his Grace and Peace and may the joy of Christ’s birth bring you many blessings throughout the New Year.
Fr. John
The Cork Barrack Street Band - affectionately known on the streets of Cork City as 'De Barracka'.
will be playing at Togher Church on Tuesday 12th December. Tickets will availabe at the church door.
Looking forward to an evening of wonderful music.

Gifts that are ethical, sustainable and are real items that families in developing communities ask us for to make their lives safe and healthy
Trócaire Christmas Gifts of Change bring real hope and opportunity to families and communities living in poverty across our world, and a chance to create lasting and positive change.
There are gifts for everyone starting at €5 for the Gift of Soap.
You can support the gifts by buying them online at
Or by phone 1800 408 408 / 021-4275622
Or by post or in person to Trócaire, 9, Cook Street, Cork. T12 F583

Ramata is a gift beneficiary of The Gift of Seeds and Tools, which has supported her family with food, an income and she is now well on the road to self-sufficiency.
Advent Talks
Prepare well for the coming of Jesus this Christmas with Advent Talks on Tuesdays at 7pm in Saints Peter and Paul's Church. Fr Marius O'Reilly will speak on Tuesday December 5th, Fr Sean Crowley on December 12th, and Fr Shinu Angadiyil. on December 19th. Each talk will be followed by 30 mins of silent adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament exposed on the altar. All are most welcome
Thursday 7th December - Vigil Mass at 6:30pm
Friday 8th December - Mass at 9:30am
Please join us for the monthly prayer group in St. Columbas in Douglas at 7:30pm on Friday the 8th December 2023
The 6th December 1907 was the day Little Nellie of Holy God received her First Holy Communion. It was one of the most special days in her short life of 4 years. It was a day she longed for and needed to satisfy her hunger for Holy God. She deserved it with the devotion she had at such a young age.
This the the hymn that was sang for her on her Communion Day.

Would you like to be involved in running Alpha in your Family of Parishes?
The Diocese is hosting an Alpha information afternoon for those who may be interested in running Alpha in their Parish/Family of Parishes on Saturday, November 25th from 1.30pm to 4.00pm in Ovens Parish Centre. Alpha helps people not just to know about Jesus, but to come to know him personally.
Please confirm your attendance by contacting your Moderator/Co-Parish Priest, or the Office for Mission and Ministry at 021-7355517 (or through our Contact Form on the Diocesan website. We invite you to keep an eye on the Diocesan website which has full details of the training and formation offered by the Office for Mission and Ministry.

A Study of St Mark’s Gospel
Webinar by Dr. Francis Cousins
Tuesday 5th December (7.00pm - 8.30pm)
This webinar will examine the Gospel of St Mark which is the focus
of the Sunday Gospel Readings in the Liturgical Calendar 2023-2024.
To register, send an email to

Pioneer Pledge for the month of the Holy Souls
A short-term pledge gives spiritual support and encouragement to people and their families who are living under a shadow of addiction.
Further information from the Pioneers on 01 80-5 4226 or via

Devotions for the Holy Souls will take place on Thursday 16th November 2023
from 3pm to 9pm in St. Patrick’s Church, Rochestown Road, Cork.
Mass will be celebrated at 3.15pm & again at 8.30pm.
There will be Adoration, confession, rosaries, & prayers for the Holy Souls.
Tea & coffee break at 6.00pm.
All very welcome.