News and Announcements from the Family of Parishes
Five priests from around Ireland share how they followed their vocation in this 15 minute video
This video was made by the Servant Sisters of the Home of the Mother at the petition of the National Vocations Office (an office within the Irish Catholic Bishops' Conference) for the Year for Vocations to the Diocesan Priesthood.
Diocese of Cork and Ross Mailing List
Did you know you can now receive website news and announcements from the diocese of Cork and Ross direct to your email?
How does it work?
Any new articles that are featured on the homepage of will be compiled and sent to you in a single email no more than once a day.
You can also choose the options to receive the Bidding Prayers for each Sunday and/or a Reflection on Sunday's Readings from Fr. Silvester O'Flynn OFM. Cap.
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For a Synodal Church: communion, participation and mission
In October 2021 the Catholic Church's synodal process on the theme of synodality began. This was the first time that a worldwide listening process and consultation with parishes and dioceses was attempted and many people in Ireland took part in a listening process during the early months of 2022.
Did you take part?
Have you been wondering what happened after that?
Much has happened since then. Your participation formed part of a national document that was sent to the Synod office in Rome in August 2022. It also formed part of a global document called Enlarge the Space of Your Tent, which was published last October and then formed part of a presentation given by the Irish delegation that travelled to Prague this February for the first ever Continental Assembly of the Catholic Church's synodal process.
Update Flyer for Parishes and Groups
Please visit to find out more.
A message to all Parishes from Bishop Fintan Gavin
The time has come, I believe, to remove the last remaining covid restrictions.
Wearing of Face Coverings No Longer Necessary
It is no longer required to wear a face covering while distributing Holy Communion for either priests or Ministers of the Eucharist. It is now possible for Ministers of the Eucharist to receive under both species at Mass. You might ensure to let your Ministers of the Eucharist know about this.
Director of the Living Church Office in Down and Connor and Deputy Chair of the Synodal Pathway of the Catholic Church in Ireland, Paula McKeown, reflects upon synodality and our shared baptism in light of the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
The General Secretary of the Synodal Pathway of the Catholic Church in Ireland, Julieann Moran, reflects upon the pondering heart of Mary, the Mother of God, as an approach for synodality, in light of this Sunday's Gospel passage (Luke 2:16-21)